Spaghetti with Hot Dogs: A Filipino Party Staple

7 06 2009

So weird, but soooooooo good. It tastes completely different from traditional Spaghetti… Sweeter, less tomatoey, and full of that Oscar Meyer awesome!

I’m posting this from the party by the way.

The pic is from the shindig, and I know it’s technically mosticolli…

Trip to Assi Plaza Market

6 05 2009

This place rules. Brings me back to my childhood with all the unique and delicious foods within. Mainly Korean, it has all facets of Southeast Asian  cuisine. Expect pics and mini-reviews to follow!

They just celebrated their 1st anniversary last weekend!

Happy Easter! – to those who celebrate…

23 03 2008

Easter Sunday, what a good day it is. Although this easter was quite sunny, it was also heinously cold. My family started out the day going to a nice little brunch place called Rise & Dine. It’s in a neighboring community, and was only 5 minutes away.

jesus sez

Next came Easter Sunday Mass. It’s always a good feeling to go to Church wearing your best. Afterwards, it was time to start preparing for dinner. We had to make a last minute run to Dominick’s for some ingredients. I had decided after church to make some hot wings and biscuits as my addition to the meal. Let’s just say my Mom wasn’t too pleased when I told her about my plans.

Turned out that the wings and biscuits were a huge hit, and I have a feeling the family will be clamoring for more when we gather next!

To those who celebrated, hope you had a Kick-Ass-Easter!


P.S. I can’t believe I had the energy to post this… I am pooped.