Time for Spring Cleaning!

29 03 2008

Oh man, where to begin. Even though this cold Chicago winter has not yet let up, it’s time to start cleaning up around the house.

My “new” bedroom is in shambles. It used to be my Grandma’s room, then guest room, and then an impromptu storage closet for all the other crap we didn’t want in the other rooms! I had been sleeping on a foam mattress for 4 years, and I decided that I needed a real bed again.

This new room is full of old furniture from when I was a kid, and a lot of stuff from my sister. Knockoff Louis Vuitton purses, hats, books, and weirdest of all… a huge bag full of underwear. Right now, I kind of have it so that one half the room is mine, while the other remains messy. I need to clean up both sides… sigh.

Cleaning, rewarding in the end, but annoying during.


(FOR SALE) So many books! So many VHS tapes! aaahhhh!111!!11

27 03 2008

So I started this little internet business because I needed to organize some clutter. I hate clutter by the way (more on that in later posts). I found a ton of books, text and otherwise that haven’t been opened in quite awhile, some decades, and others that were brand new. I decided to put them up online and start my own Amazon business.

Also in my cleaning endeavors, I went through our old DVD’s and VHS Cassettes. Many of those are up too.

I’m glad to say, the clutter is much less, and I’ve moved a lot of merchandise. Sometimes it feels like it’s too slow…blah! Eventually, I’ll donate the stuff to charity.

Half.com Shop     Amazon.com Storefront

Buy something?


My favorite recent discovery… Internet Radio

24 03 2008

It’s good stuff. I’ve always been a big radio listener, especially lately, since all my music had been lost in lame-ass hard drive crash. That actually happened in December 06, but I’ve been lazy to reacquire all of those LP’s.

But enough with this digression. Internet radio! Awesome! The quality is great, and I like to listen to the DJ’s and the random selection of music. It’s fun to listen to the obscure foreign stations, which sometimes play similar music to here, but often play their own stuff.

If you haven’t tried it out, I urge you to! Standard radio quality doesn’t even compare

Listening to radio online,



Happy Easter! – to those who celebrate…

23 03 2008

Easter Sunday, what a good day it is. Although this easter was quite sunny, it was also heinously cold. My family started out the day going to a nice little brunch place called Rise & Dine. It’s in a neighboring community, and was only 5 minutes away.

jesus sez

Next came Easter Sunday Mass. It’s always a good feeling to go to Church wearing your best. Afterwards, it was time to start preparing for dinner. We had to make a last minute run to Dominick’s for some ingredients. I had decided after church to make some hot wings and biscuits as my addition to the meal. Let’s just say my Mom wasn’t too pleased when I told her about my plans.

Turned out that the wings and biscuits were a huge hit, and I have a feeling the family will be clamoring for more when we gather next!

To those who celebrated, hope you had a Kick-Ass-Easter!


P.S. I can’t believe I had the energy to post this… I am pooped.

(FOR SALE) Speck SeeThru Cases for Macbook Pro

20 03 2008

Currently posted on:


I’ve got 4 of these bad boys for sale. 2 Red, and 2 Clear.

Speck Cases for MBP by Richie

These normally go for $50 each. I’ve used them on my Macbook, and they fit nicely, and really protect the computer. Speck cases don’t get in the way at all!

If you’re looking to buy directly from here, I’m looking for $35 (+3% Paypal) shipped anywhere in the US and APO/FPO. I will ship to other countries, but it’s more expensive.

You can send a PayPal payment to RichiesRandoms@gmail.com, and just write what color you want in the memo. It would be best to email me beforehand, just to make 100% sure I have it in stock. Use my Half.com or Amazon.com links if you want to use a Credit Card.

Thanks for reading!


  • Availability: 2/2 Red, 2/2 Clear
  • Condition: BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW!!!

Where I sell.

16 03 2008

In addition to “selling” here (it’s mostly to keep a tab on what I’ve got for sale at any given time), I frequently sell my wares on other websites.

eBay.com (user: Quiterich1221)     Half.com Shop      Amazon.com Storefront

Also, I sell on a lot of the forums I frequent. But those change per item, and it will be noted where they’re selling in each item post.

Until next post,


Good Morning, Blogosphere!

14 03 2008
Hello vast, virtual world! I am Richie, and this is my first endeavor in blogging.

I’ve started up this blog first off to keep up on the many item’s that I have for sale, most of which are on websites such as half.com, amazon.com, ebay.com, and craigslist.com. I needed a way to keep it all consolidated, and a blog will help me do that.

I will also be posting on random things. Anything I want to. Hence the name “Richie’s Randoms.” It refers to the randomness of the things I have to sell, and the randomness of my blog-entries.

I’ll be posting as frequently as I can.

See you on the interwebs!